Viktig enkät om radiologers arbetssituation!

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Dear recipient,

The well-being of radiologists is as important as the work they do in the clinics  and in academia.  

We are a Tampere  University based research initiative from Finland, and we have devised a questionnaire to study the radiologists involved in both clinical work and academia. Our survey includes sections assessing personal experiences related to work engagement and well-being at work. These are analysed at the level of aggregate data, and we will not produce or provide scoring on these scales at an individual level. The responses will not be used to diagnose medical conditions. We will also ask questions regarding individual motivators related to work and research. The pre-tested survey response time is around 10 minutes.

Our study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Tampere Region prior to its initiation. Our  data/privacy policy adheres to GDPR guidelines and is readable in the survey.

This study will be a part of my thesis, as such the results will be publicised in a scientific journal. In this regard,  I humbly request your response if you are a radiologist, and to distribute the survey link amongst any radiologists and radiology residents in your organisation. As we cannot reasonably provide a personal compensation for respondents, we  have made the pledge that for every surveyed country that reaches 300 responses from radiologists,  we will donate 100€ to a charity. Responders can vote for the charity of their choice in the survey.

QR code to the survey:


Link to the survey:

On behalf of our research team, thank you in advance!  

Pyry Jylhä-Vuorio, MD 

Tampere University  

e-mail: pyry.jylha-vuorio (at) 


Kanta-Häme central hospital